Thursday, September 1, 2011

15 Months

Oh my goodness! When on earth did my tiny little bug become a 15 month old toddler?! Seriously. I'm asking. I have no idea where all of that time went!

Bug is a busy boy these days! Gone are the days of sitting still in a chair while Mommy snaps a monthly photo (as evidenced above!). He is in to everything- NOTHING is safe! I love how curious he is - wants to know how everything works, what everything does! One of our favorite current pastimes is turning every switch/button/handle we can get our hands on up and down or on and off. He loves opening and closing doors and drawers, too. Getting all of the pots and pans out from under the stove is SO MUCH fun! Also at the top of the fun list: finding new places for things and not telling Mommy! Spoons in the dog food storage bin? Of course! Toys in the dirty clothes hamper? You betcha! Sippy cups in the drawers of the end tables? Why not?! It has become very common to find a wire whisk or spatula in the middle of the living room floor or pieces of dog food in the bathtub. Oh, and if it can be pushed and/or easily relocated, you better believe it will be (case in point: a high chair recently took up residence in my bedroom...). Life with a little boy is a constant adventure, and life with this little boy is far better than any exciting adventure I could ever dream up! It's amazing how much joy one tiny (and sometimes very wild & messy) person can pump into your heart.

While clearly very mobile (we seem to have one speed most days- run like your tail is on fire!), Bug is also becoming increasingly verbal. It is so fun(ny) to hear him talk to himself - and to us!

His current list of words includes:
Doggie ("duh-dee")
Baby ("bee bee")
Hot! Hot!
Bye Bye ("bah-buh")
Vacuum ("baa-boo") - he LOVES the vacuum!

He also knows what sound the following animals make:
Doggie ("wuh wuh")
Monkey ("ooh ooh" OR "ah ah")
Lamb ("baah baah")
Pig (snorts his nose!)
Rabbit (he wrinkles up his nose and tries to wiggle it)

He loves the pool (we just had our last swimming lesson this week!) and bath time! He can kick, splash, and blow bubbles when asked to (and also whenever he gets the urge!). He also loves to be outside - going on walks and swinging or sliding at the park are two of our favorite things to do outside. Tormenting the dogs (whom he adores) is also a favorite hobby and fortunately they are good sports! Big Tru gets body slammed multiple times a day (clearly we're very brave, too, manhandling a 100+ lb dog like that!) and doesn't bat an eye! Bug also loves exploring the refrigerator and dishwasher (such a helper!), and brushing his teeth (after I've had my turn first, of course). Reading his books is also at the top of his list. He brings me books multiple times a day and plops himself in my lap for a story (love!).

Bug is still a pretty good eater. Favorite foods include cheese, watermelon, grapes, banana (most fruits!), macaroni and cheese, pizza, turkey, hummus, guacamole, asparagus and carrots. He hasn't had much of a sweet tooth yet (fine with us!), but rarely turns down ice cream or chocolate chips!

There's really no denying that we have a busy, happy little man on our hands and we are so thankful each and every day that God has blessed us with this perfect little person.

Bug, in 15 months you have filled our home and hearts with more laughter and happiness than I could have ever hoped to have in 15 life times! Clearly I'm biased, but you are perfection! I love you so, so very much!

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